Universities & Research

All of our projects share a joint baseline: scientific research. We believe that the best possible solutions can be delivered when existing research from international, qualified institutions is being taken into account. Therefore, our unparalleled network is connected to renowned academic researchers from all across the globe and provides you with a unique range of cross-connections tailored to your needs. In order to further foster this, LabX is supporting publications on the topics of Interaction and Experience as active member of the global Experience Management Movement.
Expert Network

LabX pledges to avoid lab-only-results that are far-fetched and do not represent actual real-market situations. Thus, we have created a standardized Expert Network validation process, which implies that your project’s results will be validated by an expert that was not involved in the actual testing. This confirms the integrity of all results, as this second expert review will assess the process and results through an external perspective and therefore ensure market-ready results that you can start to work with right away.

Testing and Design

Experiences are part of all processes, regardless of whether they take place within a business context, or not. LabX creates research and design methods tailored to your specific needs to assure exceptional, high-quality quality outcomes for your project. In order to enable a transparent cross-comparison all testing outcomes make use of our exclusive LabX Reporting Tool, which was created based on world-leading experience models.

Project KickOff

LabX is your partner for Interaction and Experience Research across all industries, categories and fields of scientific research. Our team of highly qualified professionals showcases a strong record in both business and research and offers an extensive range of testing and research tools and methods. In order to identify, elicit and specify needs and potentials efficiently, our experts take advantage of the exclusive LabX Briefing Form, which provides an essential and highly successful framework for all further activities.